You Probably Never Noticed This About Emilia Clarke's Eyes

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Emilia Clarke sports one interesting quirk (which she also happens to share with Mila Kunis and Kate Bosworth) that not that many people have. It's a condition known as heterochromia, which WebMD defines as "when a person has differently colored eyes or eyes that have more than one color." The website also notes that the condition "doesn't cause any problems" for the most part and that it's usually "just a quirk caused by genes passed down from your parents or by something that happened when your eyes were forming."

There are three different types of heterochromia per WebMD — complete, which is when both irises are completely different colors; segmental, which is when one iris contains multiple fragments of color; and central, which is when the iris' outer ring sports a different shade opposed to the rest of the structure. So which type of heterochromia does Clarke have? The actor actually has the latter (per The Things), given that the outer part of her iris is blue while the inner part is a unique shade of green.

With Clarke's heterochromia, the subtle condition upped the ante on her sex appeal even more — thus affecting her acting career in the process. This leads to one question — how exactly did Emilia Clarke's heterochromia and sex appeal affect her career? Keep reading to find out!
