The Meaning Behind The Song: Peoples Champ by Upchurch

Publish date: 2024-05-07
TitlePeople’s Champ
AlbumPeople’s Champ (2022)
Release DateN/A
ProducerThomas Toner

The song “People’s Champ” by Upchurch is a powerful rap track that embodies the artist’s unique style and attitude. Released as part of his album “People’s Champ” in 2022, the song showcases Upchurch’s ability to craft impactful lyrics and deliver them with conviction.

In the first verse, Upchurch establishes himself as a different breed, someone who plants the seed and creates MCs that grow up like him. He references NASCAR, rooting for number three (most likely referring to Dale Earnhardt), and presents himself as a champion. Upchurch intertwines his personal experiences and identity as a white rapper from West Virginia into the lyrics, highlighting his authenticity and commitment to his craft.

The chorus reinforces his status as the people’s champ. Despite what others may say or think, Upchurch remains unfazed and confident in his abilities. He believes he is certified in hip-hop and asserts himself as a first stream player, solidifying his place in the music industry.

In the second verse, Upchurch delves deeper into his dedication to his art. He compares his pen to an IV, suggesting that his life and essence flow into his lyrics. The song becomes a means for him to live and express himself. He also addresses the criticisms and negativity he faces, responding with resilience and turning them into fuel for his success. Upchurch embraces his role as an enemy to those who oppose him, referencing the Taliban and expressing his unyielding determination.

Throughout the song, Upchurch showcases his lyrical prowess and ability to create powerful metaphors. He consistently refers to himself as a grizzly bear and often uses vivid imagery to depict his confidence and dominance in the rap industry.

In the third verse, Upchurch expresses his disregard for his critics, suggesting that everyone can “suck his balls.” He emphasizes his lyrical prowess by stating that if he were to diss someone, it would cost them a significant amount of money. He also shows support for fellow artist Morgan Wallen, highlighting his willingness to stand up for others and support them, regardless of race or background.

Listening to “People’s Champ” by Upchurch, I can’t help but resonate with the sense of empowerment and confidence that exudes from the lyrics. It’s a powerful anthem that reminds me of the importance of staying true to oneself and embracing individuality. The song urges listeners to not be afraid of criticism or conform to societal norms but to instead carve their own path and be champions in their own right.

As someone who has faced doubt and criticism in my own life, this song serves as a reminder to keep pushing forward and believe in my abilities. Upchurch’s unapologetic style and refusal to conform inspire me to stay authentic and true to myself, no matter the obstacles that come my way.

In conclusion, “People’s Champ” by Upchurch is an anthem of empowerment, resilience, and individuality. Through his raw and powerful lyrics, Upchurch asserts his place in the rap industry and encourages listeners to embrace their own unique identities. This song serves as a reminder to stay true to oneself and not let criticism or societal expectations hold us back. So, let’s crank up the volume, embrace our inner champions, and let Upchurch’s lyrics guide us to greatness.
