Ex-Staffers Who Turned On Jennifer Lopez

Publish date: 2024-05-07

In 2013, Jennifer Lopez's morals came into question when it was reported that she earned in the neighborhood of $10 million performing for shady dictators, according to The Independent. The outlet also pointed out that the Human Rights Foundation and others were critical of JLo's decision to put on a private performance in Turkmenistan for President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, who's government allegedly restricted free speech and imprisoned those who spoke against the nation's alleged corruption.

Lopez's then-publicist Mark Young issued a response, however, the statement made JLo's team appear surprisingly ill-informed. "This was not a government sponsored event or political in nature," Young said (via Reuters), adding, "The event was vetted by her representatives, had there been knowledge of human-right issues of any kind, Jennifer would not have attended." That statement probably didn't go over well, considering how Human Rights Watch's Rachel Denber, deputy director for Europe and Central Asia Division, explained that JLo's team did not have to dig deep for information revealing the controversy surrounding President Berdymukhamedov's reportedly corrupt leadership. It was something even JLo herself could have discovered. "Just do a few Google clicks to look up their human-rights record," Denber told Reuters.

Two months after the backlash, Young was fired from Lopez's team. With the whole fiasco blowing up in JLo's face, was it possible Young eventually took the fall for what appeared to be some blame-shifting after the fact? 
