Mass Effect: Andromeda guide: A Trail of Hope walkthrough

Publish date: 2024-05-06

Toward the end of "A Better Beginning," you’ll pick up the trail of your next priority ops mission, "A Trail of Hope." This mission is going to take you into uncharted space and into a new chunk of the game as you chase after remnant signals.

"A Trail of Hope" is another long and far-reaching mission that will present you with countless side missions and distractions. It will also introduce you to some new characters and locations (and, eventually, new outpost sites). Once again, a lot of the steps are really straightforward — walk here, talk to this person — and there aren’t any new mechanics to talk about. So we’re just going to list out the steps for you and only explain any confusing or difficult moments.

A Trail of Hope

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  • Go to the Onaon system. You’ll get plenty of cutscenes and some interactions with with game’s antagonist before you find someplace to land.
  • Follow Paaran Shie and enter the angaran Resistance HQ. There’s nothing to do during the first part except following Paaran Shie — you’ll get yelled at if you stop or stray, and there’s no "just follow her" button. Your job is to babysit the joystick. For the second half, you’re talking your way into Evfra’s good graces.
  • Return to the Tempest and go to either Havarl or Voeld.
  • Helping Havarl’s Scientists

    You can go straight to Voeld, but we’re going to recommend going to Havarl first. The trip will boost your XP and earn you some goodwill. The main mission

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  • Travel to Havarl.
  • Make contact with the scientists at Pelaav. The scientists you speak with will point you toward the monolith. All you have to do is follow your HUD marker to the monolith and do your thing. But the local wildlife isn’t very friendly, and there’s some rogue angarans that will shoot you on sight.
  • Help the researchers who are trapped at the monolith. The first step here is getting inside in the first place. Fight your way through the remnant guarding the monolith, then head up the stairs to find the trapped angarans. To free them, scan for the glyphs and then solve the remnant sudoku.
  • Return to Kiiran Dals.
  • While optional, there are a ton of side missions available to you on Havarl, and they’re all inside a relatively small area (and relatively easy to knock out). Take a few minutes to explore and earn some XP.
  • A Trail of Hope

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  • Call Evfra from the Tempest’s meeting room.
  • Meet the Resistance on Voeld in the Nol system. Soon after you land, you’ll get the coordinates for the Resistance hideout. The weather here is extreme, so you’re going to have to keep an eye on your life support the whole time you’re on the planet. Watch for heaters or other areas that will let your life support recharge.
  • Once again, we’re going to suggest a bit of a detour away from the main mission — to earn some XP and more goodwill. This will also let you wander around Voeld and get you familiar with the planet (and the myriad side missions it offers) and the people you’re fighting for, and it will give you some practice for what’s coming in the main mission.

    Eyes on the Ground

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  • Head outside onto the cliff and talk to the Resistance lookouts.
  • Turn to the left and wait for the forward station to arrive. Call in your Nomad and get inside — the heater works, so it’s your safe zone on the planet’s surface.
  • Go to Hjara. Keep following the red runway lights and the tire tracks in the snow — they’re not quite roads, but following them will make your trip easier and faster.
  • You’re going to run into a few kett camps and other distractions along the way. Several of these are out in the open — in these cases, turn your Nomad sideways and use it for cover.
  • Right before you arrive in Hjara, check your map — there’s a forward station site just south of the camp.
  • Talk to Skeot. He’s there to give you your next step — to go free a labor camp.
  • Stage a Rescue

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  • Reach kett holding site. You’re going to run into some kett resistance along the way — clear them when you can (or want to), or just keep driving if you don’t. Once again, there’s a forward station site for you to the south of your destination. What’s coming is a big fight, so use the forward station to make sure you and your squad are ready.
  • Rescue captured angara and clear remaining kett. Your goal is to follow the markers on your HUD to the holding cells for the four captured angara. There’s nothing keeping you from running straight to them and freeing them … except the waves of kett coming to prevent you from doing exactly that. That’s why we advise clearing the multiple waves of kett first — and restocking your ammo from inside the central building — before you attend to the hostages. This will let you free them without ducking the entire time.
  • Speak to rescued angara. You might have to chase down your target (we had to follow him until he stopped walking before we could talk to him), but talk to Niilj after all the hostages are free. You’re welcome to offer to help him (we did), but we’ll cover his side mission in another guide (it’s bit more intense than we need to include here). Let’s head back to the main mission.
  • A Trail of Hope

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  • Meet the Resistance. Fast travel back to the first forward station you deployed. The marker on you HUD is going to be a little misleading. You do not need to go inside. Climb in your Nomad and drive along the cliff road — the same way you went to start the "Eyes on the Ground" task. At the bottom of the cliff, turn left and then start following your HUD again. You’re ultimately trying to get back to the shuttle pad where you first started on Voeld. Talk to the angaran pilot and head for the facility.
  • Infiltrate the kett facility. There’s an open service panel on the right side of the shield as you approach. Hack it to open the force field.
  • Enter facility through the vent. Scan the vent that your HUD leads you to to discover they can be destroyed. Shoot the vanes to gain access to the facility. You’ll have to fight your way through some kett before you get to the next step.
  • Talk to the Resistance squad and search for the Moshae. Just follow your HUD and fight your way through the kett you encounter.
  • Find out where the pods go. What you find after you clear the room your HUD led you to will raise a bunch of new questions. Follow your HUD again. When you reach what seems like a dead end hallway, look up and to the right to find another shootable vent.
  • Scan for the Moshae’s pod and interface with a nearby console. When you don’t find her, your HUD is a little less than useful — it’ll be about 11 meters off. The console you’re looking for is near the ramp to the left of where you came in.
  • Locate the Moshae’s pod and talk to Jaal. Follow your HUD again and shoot your way through the vent you find. Watch the cutscenes, then clear the kett out of the room and talk to Jaal.
  • Chase the kett Cardinal. Another cutscene, some more kett and an elevator ride will bring you to this mission’s climactic battle. We’re going to give it it’s own section
  • Defeat the kett Cardinal

    Your fight against the Cardinal is probably going to be frustrating — she’s got some tough shields that you’ll have to take down multiple times, her friends keep coming to the party and she’s got some surprisingly strong attacks of her own.

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    A Trail of Hope

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  • Talk to Moshae Sjefa. You only mostly killed the Cardinal, so you’ve got some conversation choices to make here. If you choose here to save the angarans by negotiating with the Cardinal, be aware that there’s a super, super satisfying quick time event that will pop up. (Freeing the angarans will cause them to come back and help you fight later on.)
  • Escort the Moshae to the edge of the roof and hold out for the shuttle extraction. The Moshae will provide you with a biotic-type shield as you fight your way down the roof. You’ve got a lot of kett to fight through no matter what you do here, but don’t be a hero. By the time the shuttle shows up, the odds are not going to be in your favor. Get out of there.
  • Return with the Moshae to Aya. Once you’re back on board the Tempest, use the galaxy map to get you all back to Aya.
  • Take the shuttle to the Aya vault. Everything after this is basically one long cutscene. There aren’t puzzles or enemies, so sit back and enjoy it.
  • Follow the Moshae to the Aya vault.
  • Investigate the Aya vault.
  • Meet Evfra at the Resistance HQ. There are several vendors on the street on your way to the Resistance HQ. Sell some of the junk you’ve been picking up and buy yourself something nice (the armor vendor has a full set of maverick ambusher IV). When you get there, you’ll get your next mission.
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