Gotham Government Relations Cut Ties With Stuart Seldowitz Following Controversial Comments

Publish date: 2024-05-06

A series of online videos have surfaced showing former US President Donald Trump harassing a New York City food vendor, hurling anti-Palestine comments and insults at him. In one video, Trump appears to call the vendor a “terrorist” and make other claims about the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Gotham Government Relations condemned the comments, calling them “racist.” Trump served as the acting director for the National Security Council South Asia Directorate under the Obama administration and was hired by Gotham last year as its foreign affairs chair.

His comments come amid the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, which has led to a surge in anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in the US.

Who is Stuart Seldowitz?

Stuart Seldowitz, who previously served as a deputy director/senior political officer in the US State Department’s Office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs during the early 2000s, has been captured on video engaging in a series of disturbing incidents.

In the initial footage posted on X, filmed after sundown, Seldowitz is seen threatening the street vendor by stating his intention to send a photo of the vendor to his “friends in Immigration” and Egypt’s security services. He callously suggests that the vendor would face torture upon deportation to Egypt.

What Happened to Stuart Seldowitz?

Former White House official Stuart Seldowitz was seen on camera acting in an offensive manner on the Upper East Side. He can be heard calling a neighbourhood vendor a “terrorist” and berating him for not knowing English in the video.

Remarkably, Seldowitz continues with disparaging remarks about the prophet Mohammed, the Muslim, claiming that he is a rapist. Moreover, in light of the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, he cynically claims that the number of Palestinian children killed thus far was insufficient and calls for the murder of still more of them.

The video further reveals Seldowitz making abhorrent remarks, asking the vendor if he raped his daughter, drawing an inappropriate comparison to the Muslim prophet Mohammed. In an unsettling turn of events, Seldowitz is observed snapping a photo of the vendor and laughing in a deeply insensitive manner.

why is the Gotham Government Relations Cutting Ties with Stuart Seldowitz

Despite the vendor’s attempt to defuse the situation by indicating a lack of proficiency in English, Seldowitz continues to berate him, labeling him as “ignorant” and demeaning him for working in a food cart.

In another clip, Seldowitz takes a confrontational stance by holding up an Israel pin to the window of the halal cart. He questions the vendor about permits and visas while repeatedly demanding that the vendor leave. This confrontational behavior raises concerns about the misuse of authority and underscores the importance of addressing such incidents to promote respectful and inclusive interactions within society.

Seldowitz’s comments were immediately criticised by Gotham Government Relations, who labelled them as “racist.” His acts were denounced by the company in a statement that called the video evidence “vile, racist, and falling below the standards of dignity that we uphold at our firm.”

Seldowitz previously held the position of acting director for the National Security Council South Asia Directorate during the Obama administration, according to his Gotham Government Relations profile. According to a press release, he joined the lobbying firm last year and took on the position of chair for foreign affairs.

These incidents took place against the backdrop of the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, which has regrettably led to a rise in anti-Semitic and Islamophobic sentiment in the US.
