Sexual Taboo | WrestleZone Forums

Publish date: 2024-05-05
Its a phrase many of us have likely heard, but one some of us may not fully understand. Basically, this thread is to point out some of the more "sexual taboo's" and to discuss why you believe they're seen as just that; taboo.

Real quick, for those who aren't familiar with the term or word, "taboo", its basically a way of saying improper or unacceptable by a large margin of individuals. Basically, its actions that aren't seen as being right. In sexual terms, its actions that are viewed as nasty, disturbing, and even disgusting.

My main question is this.. why do YOU specifically feel each of the following, as well as any other so-called "sexual taboo's" is viewed as such?


While I'm sure its no surprise, I'm a big fan of anal sex. Once upon a time, this was one of the most "in the closest" sexual taboo's there ever was. Yet at the same time, it was one of the most widely speculated sexual acts around.

Its become almost a regular thing in Adult's sex lives, just like Oral sex, or plain old fashioned sex in general. Anal sex has been proven to be one of the best experiences in finding some of the greatest orgasms (for both male, and female, alike) to date.

While some people still see it as "nasty" or "dirty", anal sex has become one of the biggest sexual actions to perform over the previous few years that its almost on the verge of breaking away from being considered taboo anymore, at all.

One final note in regard to this. Anal sex is so widely talked about, and considered as regular, that Doctor's will bring anal sex up as a way to increase feelings and stimulation during Pregnancy.

Role Playing

While I can't say I've ever tried this, I can certainly see the beneficial reactions from Role Playing. More or less, this is something that is done to spice up a couple's sex life. Some believe its wrong to do, as its a way of showing your regular love life isn't top quality, or its lacking something major to have to commit to playing out alternative lives by way of "characters".

I don't think that's the case at all. I think Role Playing is something that ONLY the most intimate couples will interact with. It takes a lot to trust your Partner, and to believe that they'll bring to life any one bit of some type of sexual fantasy by way of Role Playing, shows that you trust them beyond ways that anyone else has shown.

Personally, I'm still slightly frightened and fall into the old school category of people who believe if you do jump into Role Playing, its a way of believing what you're currently doing is becoming dull, boring, and unsatisfying. But at the same time, its not something I'll ever allow myself to turn my back on, as it could easily become a great way to release emotions.

Multi-Group Sex

Out of every category I'm discussing to begin this thread, this is the single most one I'd NEVER be interested in. Albeit, just because I'm not does not mean the world isn't.

Multi-Group sex, or better known as Threesomes, Foursomes, Orgies, Gang bangs, etc.. have become popular amongst College kids it seems, and overall individuals with two sets of views.

One group would be the young, adventurous type. Willing to try anything once, just so they can say they have. Another group would be the older type, fully being able to trust their Partner, but yet knowing that sometimes it doesn't hurt to think "outside the box".

While as I stated, this is the #1 thing I'm in absolute refusal to try, I can also be open minded enough to see how thousands, if not millions, have come to be so enthralled by this activity.

My personal feelings on this subject is that if you're in a committed relationship, or in any type of relationship with someone you believe could be your Life-Partner, then the last thing you're gonna want to do - is watch them get fucked by someone else. It just won't sit well with your mind, and it'll plaque you for the rest of your life.

One final note; Its been reported that Multi-Group sex is the #1 thing out of each of these categories that Males would love to try - however, its because of fantasies that play out in their minds, of questioning what it'd be like to see their Partner being pleased by another. Whereas, if it were to truly happen, the life-like results would be anything but "dreamy" and once again create that void in your mind, and haunt you for the rest of your time together.


This is a wide open subject. Fetishes can be any number of things thats spawned to get a person off. (So to speak) While the biggest fetishes I've ever known to be around are that of - school girl/french maid outfits, feet, and the size of a Woman's breasts or ass. I also know there are smaller cases of more severe fetishes.

In some examples, a fetish is a dangerous thing and can be harmful. One way of explaining this, would be to use the term "Donkey Punch". Basically put, this is a sexual act in which you punch the "receiver" in the back of the head/neck, causing the "area" in which you're penetrating to tighten up suddenly - resulting in an even more satisfying sexual ending. However, some cases have been known to cause actual harm, including almost fatal injuries.

Speaking in terms of fatal injuries, this would bring us to another type of fetish, in which you choke one another, to the point of passing out - or beyond the point of passing out, right before climaxing. This is meant to give a euphoric experience, but at the same time its very dangerous and can be extremely lethal.

In the end, while some unique Fetishes may strike my attention for the most part, I see no real excitement gained from attempting to do physical harm to my lover.

Public Sex

This is something that, similar to Anal sex, has become more and more dominate in wanting to try out and be less and less "taboo". Once upon a time, to have sex anywhere than in a bed, was seemingly against an unwritten law.

In today's world, its rare to find anyone who's had sex - that hasn't done it in a public place. Of course, public can be anywhere outside of your own home.

To me, the thought of sex in public is arousing because of the chance of being caught rising. While I don't get off, or even get aroused by the thought of having someone straight-up watch me having sex.. the thought of being caught, while in mid-process, is quite the opposite.

Sex Toys

Last, but not least, sexual toys. Just like a few other categories we've already went through - sex toys have been seen once upon a time as forbidden and wrong. Now, they're seen by everyone as the best way to have and practice safe sex.

Once again, Sex toys are border lining being considered "taboo" anymore, because even Doctor's will recommend using them to protect yourself, and your Partner.

While I'm fine with a toy that can bring a Woman to orgasm, I have to admit its kinda like what I imagine a lot of Factory workers thought, when Machines came in to replace the jobs they were doing. Basically put, I don't feel like being replaced by something that requires batteries.

However, on the flip side.. sometimes the expressions, reactions and overall pleasure a toy can give, whether receiving or giving, is priceless to say the least.

Overall Thoughts

So, hopefully people can put away their Pride and Shy nature and find a way to discuss their opinions on Sexual Taboo's. Let's keep in mind, the majority of us are all Adults here.. so let's try and conduct ourselves with at least a little bit of maturity and find reasonable opinions and topics within this to discuss - instead of merely seeing this as a negative, or a topic too taboo to discuss, shall we?

Basically I'm asking for everyone's opinions on Sexual Taboo. Do you believe any of the above categories are too much and should remain taboo, (in the dark, too dirty to be known of) or do you believe they're widely known enough now, that the bigger majority of people are into it - and its not such a "need to hide" (feel ashamed of) type of activity anymore?

Make sure you explain why you feel the way you do, about anything and everything. Thank You.
