Jennifer Mayers compares Taylor Swift's vagina to a ham sandwich sparking Twitter fury

Publish date: 2024-05-05

A mother has sent Twitter into overdrive after comparing Taylor Swift's vagina to a ham sandwich.

Jennifer Mayers, 44, from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, tweeted the image of the two meat-filled subs to make a comparison between the singer and her daughters.

Jennifer, whose Twitter handle is @southern_mayers, captioned the tweet: 'The reason I preach #Christianity.'

Mother Jennifer Mayers, from Louisiana, tweeted a photo of two ham sandwiches with the caption: 'The reason I preach #Christianity'

Mother Jennifer Mayers, from Louisiana, tweeted a photo of two ham sandwiches with the caption: 'The reason I preach #Christianity'

Jennifer describes herself as a 'wife, mother, Christian' and lover of the beach She hit out at the singer following her high profile relationships with Calvin Harris and Tom Hiddleston

Jennifer, left, describes herself as a 'wife, mother, Christian' and lover of the beach, hit out at the singer, right, following her high profile relationships with Calvin Harris and Tom Hiddleston

The woman, who describes herself as a 'wife, mother, Christian' and lover of the beach in her Twitter biography, posted a photograph of two rolls side by side - one neat and the other with ham spilling out.

She added: 'My daughers represent the right. Taylor Swift's vagina represents the left.'


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The post appeared to be a direct on the singer following her recent break-up from Calvin Harris, only for her to quickly move on with actor Tom Hiddleston.

However it did not receive the response she may have hoped for, with many Twitter users tweeting their disgust.

 Many fans defended Taylor (pictured at he 2016 Vanity Fair Oscar Party) and accused the original tweeter of slut-shaming

 Many fans defended Taylor (pictured at he 2016 Vanity Fair Oscar Party) and accused the original tweeter of slut-shaming

Some poked fun at Jennifer's knowledge of sex education, with @jessbrammar writing: 'I worry that she has never seen a vagina. Because that is some ham in a roll.'

@brosandprose agreed, saying: 'That's not how vaginas work, just fyi'. 

@blogdiva responded by tweeting Jennifer a photo of the female sexual reproductive system, commenting: 'I can't believe I went out looking for VULVA vs. VAGINA diagrams for @southern_mayers but here we are'.

Twitter didn't respond to the tweet in the way Jennifer might have hoped, with many incredulous over her attack on the singer (pictured in New York in May)

Twitter didn't respond to the tweet in the way Jennifer might have hoped, with many incredulous over her attack on the singer (pictured in New York in May)

Another user took a similar line of approach, with @saucissonsec writing: '1) your visual is referring to labia not vaginas, 2) that's not how vaginas work regardless, 3) the sandwiches want cheese.'

@douglasjfresh said: 'Smart money's on the fact that she's never seen her own vulva.'

@hannibalmoot playfully challenged the health implications of having a ham roll for a vagina, saying: 'I'd be more concerned with the yeast issue. The ham can take care of itself.'

@sauciassonsec said: 'Saying women with large labia are loose is like saying people with big earlobes listen to a lot of music.'

Taylor Swift has recently started dating actor Tom Hiddleston, pictured. The singer also recently broke up with musician Calvin Harris

Taylor Swift has recently started dating actor Tom Hiddleston, pictured. The singer also recently broke up with musician Calvin Harris

@jessbrammar said: 'It's the Subway clerk I feel sorry for. "How much ham madam?" "Hmmm... flappy vagina level please young man". 


Some Twitter decided to turn the meaning of Jennifer's tweet on its head altogether.

@Hippopeteamus said: 'So kids, the moral of this story is that if you work hard at your music career you can afford more ham on your roll'

Taylor recently held a fourth of July party for her friends and boyfriend, inflating a water slide in her garden which she enjoyed with her squad

Taylor recently held a fourth of July party for her friends and boyfriend, inflating a water slide in her garden which she enjoyed with her squad

Others turned their anger on the original tweeter and accused her of being 'idiotic'.

@delphoxglove said: 'This is why *I* preach #SexEducation.' While @mk_redogers wrote: You inspect your daughter's vagina? You need help.'

@tinacelio voiced what many were thinking, saying: 'Seriously this idea that vaginas can be ruined or tainted is so idiotic'.

The original tweet eventually went on to inspire a comedic hashtag, #ifmyvaginawereasandwich. 

 Twitter users turned on the controversial blogger, even creating the light-hearted #ifmyvaginawasasandwich to mock her

 Twitter users turned on the controversial blogger, even creating the light-hearted #ifmyvaginawasasandwich to mock her

Twitter users jumped on the bandwagon by posting their own interpretations of what their vaginas might look like.

The results were surprisingly diverse, with people identifying their private parts with sandwiches made to resemble Spongebob Squarepants and the Loch Ness monster.

@ohkayewhatever tweeted the hashtag accompanied by a photo of a bread roll that look like a stegosaurus, with a tail made of a green chilli and back spikes made of luncheon meat.

@SopayDenise posted a photo of strawberry ice cream encased in two chocolate heart shaped biscuits.

She wrote: 'It would be an ice cream sandwich cause all vulvas are sweet & cute & wonderful duh.'

Many of the tweets also called Jennifer out for slut-shaming and urged others to join the hashtag.

Audrey Risser said: 'Fight slut shaming in a hilarious way? Heck yes! #ifmyvaginawasasandwich.'

Jennifer, who uses her Twitter feed to voice her very extreme views of the world, has also written a blog titled 'Taylor Swift. Role Model or Prostitute?'

She responded after her original tweet went viral, claiming she was 'overwhelmed' and that the abusive messages were 'not fun'.

She write: 'Let me be clear. I am NOT shaming Taylor Swift. She is shaming herself. She is a role model. She is an influence to innocent young girls like my daughters who look up to her. 

'She is in the public eye and should be setting a good example of purity and Christianity.

Instead she is flaunting her sexual escapades with all of Hollywood’s A-list celebrities. Her conquests could fill a small stadium or certainly a barn at this point.

'I think it is her low self esteem that is causing her to search for a void to fill.

Hence, why I posted the image. It was merely meant to be a visual aid to help you guys and my daughters understand the dangers of promiscuity.

'The left sandwich is far more ragged and worn looking and rather unattractive to the eye. I see this as Taylor’s symbolic promiscuity. The right is much more neat, clean and pure. This represents my daughters’ innocence and purity because THEY were raised correctly.'

She then went on to suggest that Taylor's mother would be embarrassed by her behaviour.

She concluded with the warning to the multi-million dollar pop star that 'no amount of album sales or awards will save your soul.'

However the views expressed on Jennifer's Twitter page are so extreme, it has caused many to question whether she is a fake.

