Who are Emoni Bates parents, Elgin and Edith Bates? Taking a glimpse at the future NBA draft pick's

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Emoni Bates is a 19-year-old phenom who has been hailed as the next Kevin Durant and LeBron James. But behind his basketball success, there are two people who have been with him throughout his journey: his parents, Elgin and Edith Bates.

Elgin Bates, or E. J., is his father, coach and mentor. He played college basketball at Kentucky Wesleyan, a Division II school, and then had a five-year pro career in Europe. He returned to Ypsilanti, where he met Edith, his future wife and mother of his son.

E. J. has been training Emoni since he was three years old, teaching him the fundamentals of the game and helping him improve his skills. He also founded Bates Fundamentals, a basketball training organization that runs an AAU team that Emoni has played for. He even created Ypsi Prep Academy, a new school to give his son more exposure and competition.

Edith Bates is his mother and biggest fan. She works as a logistics supervisor for UPS and is also associated with the American Red Cross. She has been supportive of his basketball dreams since he was young, and often attends his games and cheers him on.

Edith has also been a source of stability and comfort for him, especially during the challenging times of his career. They have also faced some challenges and controversies along the way, but they are always committed to their son’s well-being and future.

Can Emoni Bates overcome his off-court issues and make an impact in the NBA?

Emoni Bates is a 6-foot-10 wing who can score from anywhere on the court. He is projected to be picked No. 50 overall in the 2023 NBA draft. He was a star at Eastern Michigan before transferring to Memphis Tigers.

However, his career has not been without troubles. He was arrested on gun charges in September 2022, which were later dismissed. He then pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of attempting to transport a loaded firearm in a vehicle. He was sentenced to probation and community service.

Emoni Bates has said that he learned from his mistakes and that he wants to focus on his basketball goals. He has also received support from his parents and fans, who believe in his potential and talent.

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