The Odd Advice Cary Grant Gave A Young Rob Lowe

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Cary Grant invited Rob Lowe in and offered him a glass of milk from a restaurant-style milk dispenser in the actor's spacious kitchen, asked him how he knew his daughter, and then allowed the two teens to chat alone, per "Stories I Only Tell My Friends." Just before Lowe's TV show was about to start, Grant popped his head into the room. "Young man, do you mind if I watch with you?" Grant asked.

Lowe, nonplussed as only a teenager can be, thought, "yeah, you crazy old guy. Sure, whatever. Come on in," Lowe recalled in a 2011 NPR interview. The TV show was about a high school senior who learns he's become a father and fights for custody. "He was so nice and so charming," Lowe told Conan O'Brien (via YouTube). "The first time I ever saw myself on TV was with Cary Grant and he was full of great advice." But one piece of advice was, to say the least, unusual.
