Cesaro Talks His Current Injury Status, Who in WWE He Wants to Face, Reveals Why Facing Brock Lesnar

Publish date: 2024-05-03

While overseas doing promotional work for WWE, injured star Cesaro spoke with The National and below are some interview highlights:

On his current injury status:

“Rehab is going really well. It is kind of up to the doctors opinion. It is a very bad time to be hurt, lets put it that way. I had a torn rotator cuff that I tried to work through, because I didn’t realize how bad it was and I had to get it fixed. They said four to six months, with six months being more likely so that will put me out for quite a bit.”

Who in WWE he would like to face?:

“I think I have faced pretty much everyone that is in the WWE. AJ Styles is new and I think he is the only one since I got hurt to have arrived in the WWE that I have not stood in the ring with.”

On possibly facing Brock Lesnar:

“I have not done a singles with Brock. It is definitely not mine [ambition, to face him] as I’d rather stand in the ring against someone is with WWE the whole time.”
