Black Mirror Season 6 Episode 2 Review: Loch Henry

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Following that discovery, Pia accidentally falls into a river and dies while trying to escape Janet, who makes a pile of her murder trophies and home videos (Bergerac wasn’t the only thing recorded on those tapes) and hangs herself. Davis is left alone with nothing but the makings of a Bafta-winning documentary. So, asks the episode with a sigh, was it worth it?

It’s rare for Black Mirror to come down so definitively on one or other side of a question, but “Loch Henry” has very little positive to say about the true crime genre, or at least, what it reveals about people. Namely – that we’re sick little puppies frenziedly lapping up the milk of human depravity and pushing our little snouts into shit for, you know, kicks.

See the shift into slick, professional storytelling when Davis and childhood friend Stuart (Daniel Portman, always a pleasure to find in a cast) narrate the local murders to Pia. They’re not disgusted or saddened, but excited by the nightmarish events. See the crowd filling Loch Henry’s pub after the release of the hit Streamberry doc, callously wearing red masks like the one behind which driller-killer Janet tortured her captees, and feel the heat of this episode’s judgement. (“What was the name of that Netflix thing, about the guy who killed women?”, one character asks another. “Maybe narrow that down?” comes the wry reply.)

It’s also damning that “Loch Henry” describes how in the 1990s, the murders made tourists queasy enough to abandon the town. In our golden age of true crime television, however, that’s exactly what gets them flooding in. True crime TV makers may talk like Pia about honouring victims and doing justice to important stories, but really, says this instalment, there’s one thing on their minds: ratings, baby! All aboard the fame train! 

Pia’s accidental death (foreshadowed early on with Davis’ line about the dangerous countryside’s deep water) almost felt earned in the world of this story. It was a punishment for every delighted “Love it!” she exclaimed at every new, disgusting detail she learned about the murders. Though calling herself a documentarian, Pia was really no different to publican Stuart, who saw their film purely as a commercial tourist ad to pull punters into his pub.

In the subtext about the creative struggle between a desire for success and the importance of integrity, Charlie Brooker and director Sam Miller (I May Destroy You), show where selling out leads, i.e. the bottom of a fast-flowing river, or – not unlike Janet and her sick box of mementoes – alone with only trophies for company. 
